Sustainability work is the strongest type of competitiveness

May 13, 2022

This is what a survey conducted by the Food Academy, Packbridge and Krinova shows. The survey was conducted with 27 companies in Skåne, where the majority of them answered that they already work with recycling, recycling, food waste recycling and that they also adhere to the UN’s global goals for sustainable development. On the other hand, the regulatory requirements regarding claims about sustainable products and services are constantly increasing. This means that companies e.g. must be able to back up claims with correct data. For companies to succeed in maintaining their competitiveness, the technology and tools used therefore need to meet this increased need.
If small and large companies work together, then achieving these goals will be much easier, but the majority of smaller companies do not want such a cooperation, as it usually means a more one-sided profit for one of the parties. One of the major growth-hindering obstacles for smaller companies is e.g. that they need a larger network to reach a wider market.
With the help of Foodchain’s system, both of these problems can be solved! The blockchain technology acts as a ledger where you can confirm all claims about sustainability and environmental impact. At the same time, the product’s exposure on the market increases when customers scan its QR codes to find out more about both the product’s origin but also more information about the manufacturers.
Sustainable food production is the key to a better future, not only because of the competitiveness of companies, but above all for a better environment! We at Foodchain strongly believe in this and therefore work hard to help change the market and the world for the better!